A great Ruler King once asked three doubts, " Does God Exist? Where is God? What is the evidence that God exists and what is He doing right now?"
Religious Man : "I have the answer. Please get me a bowl of milk."
Answer to the First Question:-
The milk in a Bowl was served to the religious person. The man holding milk bowl in his hand asked the King, "What are you able to see in this bowl?"
King: "Milk."
Man: "Apart from milk are you able to see anything else?" "No" said the King. The man said, "I am able to see the Butter in this Milk." King was silent for a while with eyes wide open. The man asked, "Does this milk doesn't contain Butter?"
King : "Of course butter is there and Ghee is also available in this Milk."
Man: "Every part of this Milk contain Butter, and every part of Butter there is Ghee so as in this Universe God is there but we cannot see the Butter and Ghee in this Milk, so as we cannot see God too. But truely Present. Now, King will you believe God exists everywhere?"
Answer to the Second Question:-
King: "Yes I agree. But at present to whom he is looking and where is looking?"
Man: "Can I get one Lighted Candle Please?"
King ordered a lighted candle to that religious person.
Man: "On which direction the light of the candle is moving? To whom this candle light is watching?"
King: "The light is spreading all over in all the direction and seeing everyone and everyone is able to see the light."
Man: "Yes, in the same way Gods glory is over in all directions and He is watching everyone."
Answer to the Third Question:
King: "What is God doing at present, right now?"
Man: Right now, I am answering to your questions at present. So I am your Teacher and you are my Student. If you really wanted to know what God is doing now, then you have to give me your Thrown to me for a while and you should stand here where I am at present."
King accepted and the man sat on the Kings Thrown and Kind stood in the place where the man was standing.
Man: King, here is the answer to your third question. Just few hours before you had a doubt regarding the Existence of God, at present you are thinking of God standing in my place and I occupied your Thrown. A general public is on the Kings Thrown and King as a General public, God is doing this activities at present with us. God has created this beautiful univers where Stars, Sun, Moon has their own place with their right activities. Hope you will believe that God exists."
God is everywhere, some found in stones (Sclputres), some in trees(Devotional plants), some in prayers (Worshiping God), with different Forms Shape and Size.
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